Document! X & HelpStudio Bundle 2022.1
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    Author Content using the Content File Editor
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    If you would like to supplement the content of the pages automatically generated by Document! X and HelpStudio Bundle, you can do so using the Document! X and HelpStudio Bundle Content File Editor.

    The Content File Editor allows you to review and author content for any item for which a reference documentation page is generated.

    To open the Content File Editor:

    1. Expand the Content Files node on the Project Explorer.
    2. Locate the Content File for the item you wish to author content for.
    3. Right-click the Content File and select Edit.
    4. The Content File opened for edit. The tree on the left side of the editor shows you a hierarchical view of the item you are documenting.
    5. Drill down and select an item from the tree. The related documentation pages are shown in the right side of the editor.
    6. Type directly in the editable portions of the page on the right side of the editor.
    7. Select a specific content type from the toolbar/vertical menu to edit a specific type of content, for example, Summary, See Also, and Keywords.